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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Redlands AYSO, Region 50





The U8 division is a learning division and is designed to introduce young players to the game of soccer. The children will play short-sided games on small fields with simplified laws. Short-sided games help ensure that children have fun and at the same time, maximize their learning opportunities.

Practices & Equipment

  • Ball Size: 3
  • Practice Session:  45-60 minutes. 1-2 times per week.
  • Practice Location: Practice location is by assignment only. Coach must submit a "Practice Field Request" to receive assignment.
  • Player Equipment: Shoes and shin guards covered by socks are mandatory at all practices and games. Soccer cleats are recommended.

Game Day

  • Players on Field: 6 vs. 6 with a minimum of 4 players, per team, on the field one of which is a goalkeeper for each team. There is a minimum of 4 players per team.
  • Game Length: 40 Minutes of game time divided by (4) 10-minute quarters. Halftime break of 5-minutes at the end of the 2nd quarter.
  • Substitutions: Player substitutions are to be made at the end of the 1st quarter, halftime, or the end of the 3rd quarter. Running clock, time does not stop for substitutions. (1-minute time allotment for substitution breaks between quarters)
  • 3/4 Play Rule: All players must play 3/4 of every game. Coaches will rotate players in/out at the "Substitution Breaks" as described above. Players can only play goalkeeper for one quarter of each game.
  • Coaches: Head coaches can be on the field to provide player guidance and encouragement.
  • Referees: The home team provides the referee, additionally the visiting coach can offer to help referee. Bring a whistle or ask for one from the Regional Tent. It is highly recommended that parents in the 6U and 8U Divisions consider becoming certified as a Regional Referee.  This will allow you to gain experience and equip your children’s teams with enough eligible volunteer referees when your children begin to play in 10U Divisions and above.  Plus, you’ll be giving back to the Region!


    Game Day- Additional Information:

    • Home Team sits on West or South sideline. Visitors sit on the opposite side.

    • 1st game of the day responsible for field setup, including goals and corner flags (please arrive 45 minutes early); last game of the day responsible for tear down.

    • U8 is a time for freedom and EXPLORATION! Let them Play!

    • Home Team provides the referee. Bring a whistle or ask for one from the referee tent. Referees should be registered volunteers in the region.

    • Coaches can manage team on the field to provide player encouragement and guidance.

    • Players must play 3/4 of the game.

    • Players can only play goalie for one quarter of the game.

    • Substitutions are made at each quarter, halftime, or for injuries.

    • No game cards required for U8.

    • No standings are kept for U8.


    • The Visiting Team kicks off to start the first half.

    • The teams change ends of the field for the second half and attack the opposite goals.

    • The Home Team kicks off to start the second half.

    • Goals will not be recognized from a kick-off.  If the ball crosses the goal line and into the goal directly from a kick-off, the restart shall be a goal kick.

    Rules for U8:

    • Throw-ins for balls played outside the touchline

    • Corner kicks allowed

    • Goal kicks: Ball to be placed 1 yard in front of the goal

    • No slide tackling

    • No offside infractions

    • There is a build-out line on the field to encourage build up play.. The opposing team must retreat behind the build-out line when there is a goal kick or the goalkeeper makes a save and is in possession of the ball (keeper possession). On a goal kick, the opposing team may cross the build-out line when the ball is kicked and clearly moves. Any player on the team in-possession can take the goal kick. On a keeper possession, the opposing team may cross the build-out line the moment it leaves the goalkeeper’s hands (This is when it is thrown, rolled, or set down).

    • No goalkeeper punts are allowed, including volleys or half volleys. This means bouncing the ball and either kicking it or having a teammate kick it. It must be thrown, rolled, or set down.

    • Indirect free kicks only. Indirect free kicks must take place a minimum of build out line.

    • No heading the ball: Penalty will be an indirect free kick for the opposing team. 

    • In the event that one team is playing short (less than 6-players), the opposing team should reduce the number of players on the field in an effort to show good sportsmanship. 

    • No penalty kicks.

    • No running up the score. 

    • The overall purpose of the referee is to keep the game safe, fair, and fun.
      It is better to ignore minor infractions than to destroy the flow of the game. Players of this age rarely commit deliberate infractions; however, they may be more likely to engage in dangerous or reckless play as they may not appreciate the impact of their action. While direct free kicks will be substituted with indirect free kick foul still apply, referees are encouraged to take opportunities to instruct the players, remembering that 8U players are just learning the game and rarely understand its laws.

    Team Banners

    Team Banners: Below are the rules for banners:

    • You may put player FIRST names only or JERSEY number only, not both. DO NOT put first AND last names or uniform numbers. This is done for the child’s safety. No pictures of players.
    • Beside your team name, don’t forget your coach, assistant coach and team parent.
    • Must include ""Redlands AYSO Region 50", the Division (example Bu10), and the Sponsor name (if applicable)
    • Team names should be fun and non-political. If there are any questions regarding appropriateness of your name, contact your division coordinator.
    • Banners that do not adhere to the banner policy may not be included in team photos, the yearbook, or displayed on the sidelines of games.

    Two ways to get a banner:

    • Order through a vendor. Easiest and fastest way to get a banner. Once you have a team name, you can pick from thousands of designs and they include the banner stand and carrying case with the purchase You can shop local or online.
    • Make one yourself. You can purchase supplies a local fabric store and have the team decorate the banner. Typically, teams use felt or other fabrics and decorate with paint, glitter or use cloth letters. To create the banner stand, you can buy ¾” or 1” PVC tubing (used for garden sprinklers) and the fittings. You may want to use Velcro, snap rings or grommets or just thin rope to mount the banner to your stand. Make sure it is easy to assemble and disassemble.



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Redlands AYSO

P.O. BOX 8487 
Redlands, California 92375

Email Us: [email protected]
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